Preface: Zheng-Hai Huang, Lingchen Kong and Yiju Wang
Hongwu Li, Haibin Zhang and Yunhai Xiao
An accelerated gradient method for nonconvex sparse subspace clustering problem
Kaiping Liu and Haitao Che
Tighter eigenvalue localization sets for fourth-order partially symmetric tensor and its applications
Yong Jin Liu and Qinxin Zhu
A semismooth Newton based augmented Lagrangian algorithm for Weber problem
Zai Yun Peng, Xian Jun Long, Jing Zeng and Zhi Lin
On the stability of approximate solution mappings
to generalized Ky Fan inequality
Yifan Shao, Qingsong Wang and Deren Han
Efficient methods for convex problems with Bregman
Barzilai-Borwein step sizes
Jun Sun, Pan Shang, Qiuyun Xu and Bingzhen Chen
Multivariate linear regression with low-rank and row-sparsity
Chunming Tang, Huangyue Chen, Jinbao Jian and Shuai Liu
A bundle-type quasi-Newton method for nonconvex nonsmooth optimization
Jie Wang
Von Neumann-type inequality for completely orthogonally decomposable tensors
Tanxing Wang, Xingju Cai, Yongzhong Song and Xue Gao
Double-inertial proximal gradient algorithm for difference-of-convex programming
Yangxin Wei, Ziyan Luo and Yang Chen
Image space branch-and-bound algorithm for globally solving minimax linear fractional programming problem
Yingrang Xu and Shengjie Li
Höder continuity results for parametric set optimization problems
via improvement sets
Junwei Zhang and Yuning Yang
Hybrid alternating extra-gradient and Newton’s method for tensor decomposition
Danqing Zhou, Xiaokai Chang and Junfeng Yang
A new primal-dual algorithm for structured convex optimization involving a Lipschitzian term