Volume 2, Number 2, May 2006
Guest Editors: Kok-Lay Teo and Louis Caccetta

Special Issue of ICOTA6
Words from the editors: Kok-Lay Teo and Louis Caccetta
Fu-sheng Bai and Zhi-you Wu
Convexification and concavification for a class of non-monotone optimization problems

Giovanni P. Crespi, Ivan Ginchev and Matteo Rocca
First-order optimality conditions in constrained set-valued optimization
D.G. Sotiropoulos
Solving discrete minimax problems using interval arithmetic
Keiji Tatsumi, Yousuke Yamamoto and Tetsuzo Tanino
A new chaos generator based on the affine scaling method for global optimization problem
Ronny Tjahyadi, Wanquan Liu and Svetha Venkatesh
Automatic parameters selection for eigenfaces
Wei Zhang, Yong Wang, Shu-Cherng Fang and John E. Lavery
Cubic L1 splines on triangulated irregular networks

Regular Papers
M.S.S. Ali
Partial linearization method for convex optimization problems in Banach spaces

Hiroshi Konno and Takaaki Egawa
Computational studies on large scale concave cost transportation problems

Majid Salari and Zahra Naji Azimi
Introduction to electromagnetism algorithm for the examination timetabling problem and comparison of it with other metaheuristics

Jiuping Xu and Jun Li
A goal interval programming model and its application to portfolio selection
Rei Yamamoto and Hiroshi Konno
An efficient algorithm for solving a mean-variance model under nonconvex transaction costs

PUB. 19 May 2006

Yokohama Publishers

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