Suxiang He, Tingting Shen and Jie Zhang
A smoothing method for mathematical programs with complementarity constraints
Xin-He Miao, Yue Lu and Jein-Shan Chenu
Construction of merit functions for ellipsoidal cone complementarity problem
Zhiang Zhou, Xinmin Yang and Wang Chen
ε-Strong efficiency of a set and its applications in ordered linear spaces
Zohre Aminifard and Saman Babaie-Kafaki
Modified spectral conjugate gradient methods based on the quasi-Newton aspects
Charles Audet, Gilles Caporossi and Stéphane Jacquet
Constraint scaling in the mesh adaptive direct search algorithm
M. Bounkhel, Dj. Bounekhel and M. Bachar
Nonlinear differential variational inequalities with nonconvex sets in
Lp spaces
Behrouz Kheirfam
An interior-point method for symmetric optimization based
on a new wide neighborhood
Nguyen Huu Tron and Dao Ngoc Ha
Stability of generalized equations governed by composite multifunctions
Min Li, Xinxin Li and Zhongming Wu
A refined primal-dual algorithm for a saddle-point problem with applications to imaging
Wenchao Wang, Meixia Li and Haitao Che
A tighter M-eigenvalue localization set for fourth-order partially symmetric tensors