Volume 16, Number 2, 2020

Jingjing Liu, Shiwei Ma and Xian Chao Xiu
Image set face recognition via the mixed l0-norm sparse representation

Juxiang Zhou, Xiaodong Liu, Jianhou Gan and Tianwei Xu
A novel image retrieval approach based on semantic affinity

Yifu Feng and Jing Wang
Novel stability criteria for nonlinear stochastic Höpfield neural networks with time- varying delays

Qing Tian, Yinchu Wang, Xinguo Wei, Yuan Zhang, Wei Li and Li Fang
Swap-move with longitudinal neighboring optimization and maximum a posterior estimate for visual correspondence

Yongjian Shen, Chunyu Xie, Jing Dai, Baochang Zhang and Lei Zhu
Radar behavior recognition based on center loss LSTM

Guo Sun, Liying Yu, Gui-Hua Lin and Xiaodai Dong
A class of stochastic second-order-cone complementarity problems

Gert Wanka and Oleg Wilfer
Formulae of epigraphical projection for solving minimax location problems

Fei Chen, Zhi Guo Feng and K.F.C. Yiu
Limit analysis for the optimal value of a class of minimax optimization problems

Gang Wang, Yiju Wang and Yuan Zhang
Brualdi-type bounds on minimum eigenvalues for Fan product of M-tensors


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