Volume 12, Number 2, April 2016


Special Issue in Honor of the 70th birthday of Prof. Kok Lay Teo
Words from the guest editors: Lou Caccetta, Song Wang and Guanglu Zhou
Yanqun Liu
New constraint qualification and optimality for linear semi-infinite programming
Zhibao Li, Ka Fai Cedric Yiu, Horus Yui Ho Chan and Randolph Chi Kin Leung
A novel indoor beamformer design method with obstacles
F. Lu, S.J. Li and S.K. Zhu
Exact penalization and strong Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions for nonsmooth multiobjective optimization problems
Zhigang Ren, Chao Xu, Qun Lin and Ryan Loxton
A gradient-based kernel optimization approach for parabolic distributed parameter control systems
Jueyou Li, Zhiyou Wu, Changzhi Wu, Qiang Long, Xiangyu Wang, Jae-Myung Lee and Kwang-Hyo Jung
A fast dual gradient method for separable convex optimization via smoothing
Xiao-bo Li, Yi-bin Xiao and Nan-jing Huang
Some characterizations for the solution sets of pseudoaffine programs, convex programs and variational inequalities on Hadamard manifolds
A.R. Albrecht, P.G. Howlett, P.J. Pudney, X. Vu and P. Zhou
An optimal timetable for the two train separation problem on level track
Xingmei Li, Yao-Huei Huang, Shu-Cherng Fang and Zhibin Deng
Reformulations for project portfolio selection problem considering interdependence and cardinality
Lixia Liu, Guanglu Zhou and Louis Caccetta
Fixed point methods for computing a Z-eigenpair of general square tensors
Hartono, L.S. Jennings and S. Wang
Iterative upwind finite difference method with completed Richadson extrapolation for state-constrained HJB equations
Elham Mardaneh and Louis Caccetta
Adapted cross entropy method to investigate costly price-changes in pricing and production planning
Helmut Maurer and Maria do Rosario de Pinho
Optimal control of epidemiological SEIR models with L1-objectives and control-state constraints
Hei Wang, Changjun Yu, Enmin Feng, Zhilong Xiu, Pengju Zhang and Xiaohong Chen
Optimal control of microbial fermentation in batch culture using particle swarm algorithm
Honglei Xu, Cun-Xia Lai, Ri-Cai Luo, Rong Zhang
H Filter analysis and design for delay systems with polytopic-type uncertainties
Boshi Tian and Xiaoqi Yang
Smoothing power penalty method for nonlinear complementarity problems

Pub. April 30, 2016

Yokohama Publishers

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