Special Issue on Mathematical Economics
Dedicated to the memory of Professor Roy Radner
Preface: M. Ali Khan, A. J. Zaslavski
Ken-Ichi Akao, Hitoshi Ishii, Takashi Kamihigashi and Kazuo Nishimura
Existence of an optimal path in a continuous-time nonconcave Ramsey model
Youcef Askoura
On games with a continuum of players: an elementary and self-contained survey
Robert A. Becker
Maximal points of convex sets in ℓ ∞ revisted
Jess Benhabib, Eric Brunet and Mildred Hager
Innovation and Imitation
Rabi Bhattacharya and Mukul Majumdar
Extinct or endangered: Possible or inevitable?
Shurojit Chatterji and Atsushi Kajii
Efficiency, quality of forecasts and Radner equilibria
Werner Hildenbrand
On the structure of homogeneous demand functions
D. La Torre, S. Marsiglio, F. Mendivil and F. Privileggi
Generalized fractal transforms
with condensation: a macroeconomic-epidemiological application
Tapan Mitra and Efe A. Ok
Majorization by Lp-norms
Alexander J. Zaslavski
Agreeable programs for the continuous-time Robinson-Solow-Srinivasan model