Special Issue on Recent Advances in Optimal Control, Part II.
Preface: Boris S. Mordukhovich and Alexander J. Zaslavski
Lu-Chuan Ceng, Fu-Quan Xia and Jen-Chih Yao
Levitin-Polyak well-posedness of noncompact generalized
mixed variational inequalities in reflexive Banach spaces
Konstantin Palagachev and Matthias Gerdts
Necessary conditions for a class of bilevel optimal control problems exploiting the value function
Elena Goncharova and Maxim Staritsyn
Maximum principle for hybrid systems with polynomial impulses
Ellina V. Grigorieva and Evgenii N. Khailov
Estimating the number of switchings of the optimal interventions strategies for SEIR control
models of Ebola epidemicsy
Galina Kurina and Vladimir Zadorozhniy
Inverse problems of the calculus of variations for discrete-time systems
Anna Chiara Lai, Monica Motta and Franco Rampazzo
Minimum restraint functions for unbounded dynamics: general and control-polynomial systems
Gabriela Marinoschi A singular nonconvex optimal control problem
Laurent Pfeiffer
Numerical methods for mean-field type optimal control problems