Special Issue on Recent Advances in Optimal Control, Part I.
Preface: Boris S. Mordukhovich and Alexander J. Zaslavski
N. U. Ahmed
Necessary conditions of optimality of output feedback control law for infinite dimensional uncertain dynamic systems
Maria do Rosario de Pinho
On necessary conditions for implicit control systems
Ursula Felgenhauer
A Newton-type method
and optimality test for
problems with bang-singular-bang optimal control
M. Margarida A. Ferreira and Georgi V. Smirnov
On the sufficiency of Pontryagin's maximum principle
Sven-Joachim Kimmerle and Matthias Gerdts
Necessary optimality conditions and a semi-smooth
Newton approach for an optimal control problem of a
coupled system of Saint-Venant equations and ordinary differential equations
Miguel Oliveira and Georgi Smirnov
On the complexity of the path-following method for a tracking problem governed by parabolic equations
Amira Rachah and Delfim F. M. Torres
dynamics and optimal control of Ebola virus spread
Amira Rachah and Delfim F. M. Torres
variational problems of Herglotz type with time delay