Volume 6, Number 2, 2020
Kenjiro Yanagi
Refined Hermite-Hadamard inequality and weighted logarithmic mean
Tagreed S. Alahmadi, Zoran Kadelburg and Naseer Shahzad
Measure of nonconvexity and fixed points in metric spaces
Yousuke Araya
Some types of minimal element theorems and Ekeland's variational principles in set optimization
Kay Barshad, Simeon Reich and Alexander Zaslavski
Generic properties of normal mappings
Gennaro Franco and Giuseppe Marino
Possible causal relationship extensions and properties of related causal isomorphismse
Konrawut Khammahawong, Poom Kumam and Parin Chaipunya
Splitting algorithms of common solutions between equilibrium and inclusion problems on Hadamard manifolds
Takao Komatsu
Shifted Bernoulli numbers and shifted Fubini numbers
Yen-Cherng Lin
Hierarchical minimax problems in locally convex Hausdorff topological vector spaces
Kengo Shimizu and Hideaki Iiduka
Computation time of iterative methods for nonsmooth convex optimization with fixed point constraints of quasi-nonexpansive mappings
Li Wang, Xingxu Chen and Juhe Sun
A differential equation method for solving the variational inequality problem with the cyclically monotone mapping
Jenjira Puiwong and Satit Saejung
Some notes on two fixed point theorems of Ćirić type
Koji Aoyama and Masashi Toyoda
Approximation of zeros of an accretive operator and fixed points of nonexpansive mappings in a Banach space
Wataru Takahashi
A weak convergence theorem under Mann's iteration for generalized nonexpansive mappings in a Banach space
Yokohama Publishers
yokohama publishers