T. Ando Set of matrices with common Stein solution Qamrul Hasan Ansari and Jen-Chih Yao Coincidence point theorems with applications to minimax inequalities Sachiko Atsushiba Some strong convergence theorems for nonexpansive semigroups Monika Budzynska, Tadeusz Kuczumow and Adam Stachura Properties of the Kobayashi distance R. Enkhbat and T. Ibaraki On the maximization and minimization of a quasiconvex function Emiko Fukuda, Takashi Matsuhisa and Hisato Sasanuma Communication reaching consensus Kiyoko Furuya Feynman path integral of Riemann type Kazimierz Goebel Minimal displacement and optimal retractions in Hilbert space Yukio Hayashi Gradient flows on a space of power-functions for minimizing a convex functional Masakazu Higuchi and Tamaki Tanaka Multicriteria two-person zero-sum matrix games Masayuki Horiguchi Countable state MDPs with a stopping time constraint Mitsuhiro Hoshino, Yutaka Kimura and Ikou Kaku On some dual model of finite Markov decision processes with convex sets of admissible actions Ryuichiro Ishikawa, Takashi Matsuhisa and Yoh-Suke Akagawa Consensus on p-belief communication El Mostafa Kalmoun Vector equilibrium problems as a unified approach Kawasaki Hidefumi A conjugate point theory for nonlinear programming problems Yutaka Kimura, Mitsuhiro Hoshino and Yumio Yato A noncooperative fractional n-person game with constraints Kenji Kimura and Tamaki Tanaka Existence theorems of saddle points for vector valued functions W. A. Kirk The approximate fixed point property and uniform normal structure in hyperconvex spaces Fumiaki Kohsaka and Wataru Takahashi Approximating zero points of accretive operators in strictly convex Banach spaces Naoto Komuro The set of upper bounds in ordered linear spaces Masamichi Kon Efficient solutions of multicriteria location problems with rectilinear norm Masami Kurano, Masami Yasuda, Jun-ichi Nakagami and Yuji Yoshida Markov decision processes with fuzzy rewards Daishi Kuroiwa Set optimization with weighted criteria and efficiency Hiroaki Kuwano The indices of ranking fuzzy sets based on possibility theory Hang-Chin Lai Fractional programming for variational problems with generalized invexity Anthony To-Ming Lau and Wataru Takahashi Some nonlinear generalizations of the Markov-Kakutani fixed point theorem Yukihiro Maruyama Strong representation of a discrete decision process by a bitone sequential decision process Shin-ya Matsushita and Daishi Kuroiwa Some observations of approximation of fixed points of nonexpansive nonself-mappings Satoshi Mizuta and Toshio Shimizu Unified optimization of neural network by genetic algorithm Hiroaki Mohri On solutions of a type of network design game Kazuhide Nakajo and Wataru Takahashi Approximation of a zero of maximal monotone operators in Hilbert spaces Hiroshi Nakazato Numerical range of a matrix polynomial Yasuo Narukawa and Toshiaki Murofushi Comonotonically additive functional and regular non-additive measure Yasuo Narukawa, Toshiaki Murofushi and Michio Sugeno Additive representations of Choquet integral Shogo Nishizawa, Tamaki Tanaka and Pando Gr. Georgiev On inherited properties of set-valued maps Hideho Ogasawara and Hiroshi Yabe Local convergence property of the Sheng-Zou-Broyden method for nonlinear least squares problems Toshiko Ogiwara and Ken-Ichi Nakamura Asymptotic behavior of solutions for nolinear diffusion equations Nobuhiko Ogura and Isao Yamada The multi-layered hard constrained convex feasibility problem Sehie Park On some conjectures and problems in analytical fixed point theory L. A. Petrosjan New classes of Nash solutions in multistage games Liqun Qi and Paul Tseng Almost smooth functions Simeon Reich and Alexander J. Zaslavski Porosity in nonlinear analysis and optimization Biagio Ricceri Infinitely many local minima of sequentially weakly lower semicontinuous functionals and applications Kazutaka Sakai, Shigeo Akashi and Tomonari Suzuki Set-valued theoretic generalization of Stackelberg equilibrium points Yoshihiro Shibata and Senjo Shimizu Some resolvent estimates for the Stokes system in bounded and exterior domains Tomoichi Shinotsuka Additivity, bounds, and continuity in budget distribution problems Wataru Takahashi Fixed point theorems and proximal point algorithms Hiroko Manaka Tamura Regularization of nonlinear variational inequalities with pseudomonotone operators and Mosco-perturbed domains Tetsuzo Tanino Multiobjective conjugate duality in the multi-dimensional extended real space Masashi Toyoda Continuity of set-valued monotone mappings Masayo Tsurumi, Tetsuzo Tanino and Masahiro Inuiguchi Nonsymmetric values for coalitional games and their application Takeshi Uno, Hiroaki Ishii, Seiji Saito and Shigehiro Osumi A model of competitive facility location problems between a firm and residents Nobuo Yamashita, Christian Kanzow, Tomoyuki Morimoto and Masao Fukushima An infeasible interior proximal method for convex programming problems with linear constraints Jiang Qian Ying, Huapu Lu and Toshihiko Miyagi Sensitivity analysis for stochastic user equilibrium network flows with elastic demand Kazunori Yokoyama Some characterization of E-approximate solutions for multiobjective programming problems P. L. Yu and C. I. Chiang From optimization to competence set analysis |